The Photographer

My name is Jordan Zamudio and I was born and raised in El Paso, TX. I grew up on one of the realest sides of town, the Northeast. I’m the man, photographer, and artist I am today because of the North, because of El Paso, so I’m forever grateful for the Sun City. I attribute any success this website generates to the environment that molded me; Chuco Town.

At 23 I picked up a camera and the rest, well, it’s still happening. I’ve had my ups and downs with the craft, but I’m definitely at the point in my life where I know I want to devote my creative time and energy to this for the rest of my life. And be legitimately good at it, you know? Hell, great. Why be average when the only thing stopping us from being great is ourselves? The coolest thing about being Human is our divine ability to be literally whatever we consciously decide. Yes, somethings are harder to obtain and least likely to work out exactly the way we would like, but impossible? No. We just need to really, really, really want it, genuinely. I created this website so that I can start taking myself more seriously as a photographer, especially on the business end. I hope the tools I provide on here help cultivate a positive experience if you decide to work with me.

Please feel free to contact me via email, text, or direct message through one of my social media accounts.